
Ronaldo Ningthouja

UI/UX DESIGNER, Graphic designer & Frontend Engineer

A UI/UX and graphic designer, also specializing in frontend engineering, is skilled in various aspects of design and frontend development.


During my professional journey, I've immersed myself in various facets of UI/UX design, particularly focusing on crafting engaging user experiences for personal projects. I've dedicated significant time to designing intuitive interfaces for apps, conducting thorough UX research to ensure seamless interactions. Additionally, my experience includes integrating graphic design elements into projects for Atingkok Construction Company, enriching their digital presence with visually appealing content.

My expertise extends to website development, with a specialization in utilizing Odoo for creating dynamic and functional websites. This has been a central aspect of my work, particularly in enhancing the online presence of companies like Atingkok Construction.

Furthermore, my academic background in engineering has provided me with a strong foundation, complemented by practical experience gained during internships at esteemed institutions such as the Airport Authority of India, Civil Aviation Training College in Prayagraj, Bamrauli, and All India Radio Imphal. These experiences have deepened my understanding of digital design principles and user-centered approaches, allowing me to deliver impactful solutions that resonate with users and clients alike.

what i offer

Jewelry Designer Designs Jewelries on Paper
Gradient that fades to transparency

Logo Design

Let's fix up your Logo and get you the unique need to make crucial decisions.

Gradient that fades to transparency

Ui/Ux Design

"In the realm of UI creation, I wield a fusion of foresight and insight, sculpting digital landscapes that breathe life into user experiences, propelling your brand into realms of unparalleled engagement and innovation."

About Me

A passionate Electronics and Communication Engineer transitioning expertise into the realm of UI/UX design, seeking opportunities to blend engineering acumen with a creative flair. Equipped with a comprehensive understanding of electronic systems and a knack for full-stack development technologies, I aim to channel my technical background into crafting intuitive and engaging user experiences. My goal is to leverage design thinking and engineering principles to create seamless interfaces that not only captivate users but also function flawlessly, contributing innovative solutions as a UI/UX Designer.

what they say

A Man Reading a Newspaper

Testimonials are short quotes from people who love your brand. It's a great way to convince customers to try your services.


Customer testimonials are the voice of trust in your brand. They offer genuine insights and positive experiences, compelling others to explore and benefit from your services. With testimonials, you're not just selling a product; you're sharing the stories of happy customers.

All branded store Manipur

Let's collaborate.

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New Ashok Nagar,Delhi ,Gali No. 10 Property House


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give me a call

+91 9366703301